Welcome to Lyndhurst Parish Council
On behalf of Lyndhurst Parish Council, I would like to welcome you as a resident of our Parish. Our pledge to you is that we will always do our best to work in the best interests of all our 2,500 residents and to make Lyndhurst a better place in which to live, work and play.
The Role of Lyndhurst Parish Council
Parish Councils are the closest tier of local authority government to the community in Hampshire. We operate beneath the County and District Councils who are responsible for the bulk of services we all need. Your Parish Councillors create many opportunities to shape the future of our local community by influencing other service providers and by using our, small, share of the Council Tax (our ‘Precept’) to deliver important projects such as maintaining the Cemetery, providing play equipment at Coles Mead, managing our allotments and, in the coming year, trying develop high quality facilities at Wellands Road Football Ground.
Latest news
Unlike our County and District Councillors, Lyndhurst Parish Councillors adopt a strictly non-political approach to their business. Our every-other-month meetings are open to the public but there is also an open community meeting each year in April at which everyone has the chance to raise their own particular suggestions and concerns.
Our Plans for the Future
We will re-visit our Parish Action Plan in May. Exciting major projects are planned for 2024 such as installing new play equipment and trying to secure investment in a new sports pavilion at Wellands Road.
All this, and much more, will be published on our website and we will also keep in touch with residents via our Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor accounts and our monthly column in Lyndhurst Community Centre’s What’s On magazine.
We want you to let us know of issues facing you so that we can see if any actions need to be taken to include new projects into our next Action Plan.
How can you find out more about the work of the Parish Council and get more involved?
- Call into our Parish Council office
- Consider standing as a councillor
- Read the Action Plan
- Send us your feedback on local issues
We look forward to working with you.
Chris Willsher
Forthcoming meetings
The following dates are for forthcoming public meetings of Lyndhurst Parish Council.